1.   As the crisis deepened, Bridges was in his last weeks as Permanent Secretary to the Treasury.

2.   As the financial crisis deepened, the ownership of the paper changed.

3.   As the foot and mouth crisis deepens, so our ideas and values about the countryside change.

4.   If this is not stopped, the financial crisis will deepen.

5.   Although Salamet has always been poor, the financial crisis has deepened the desperation in his home and countless others.

6.   As the health crisis has deepened, so has the sense of desperation.

7.   As the constitutional crisis deepens, leaders of other Latin American countries have also begun to express concerns.

8.   As the Russian crisis deepens, volatility in more economically significant countries like Brazil and Argentina is also eating into the profits of some financial concerns doing business there.

9.   But as the crisis deepens, economists and development specialists expect a growing number of people to slip below the poverty line.

10.   But Clinton administration officials have gradually been rethinking that strategy as the crisis has deepened and resonated around the world.

n. + deepen >>共 285
crisis 12.78%
mystery 5.18%
recession 2.76%
relationship 1.55%
attack 1.38%
report 1.21%
problem 1.21%
trouble 1.21%
chill 1.04%
concern 1.04%
crisis + v. >>共 514
be 18.74%
begin 5.46%
have 2.52%
erupt 2.44%
hit 2.34%
end 2.30%
come 2.20%
force 2.09%
lead 1.99%
affect 1.58%
deepen 1.52%
每页显示:    共 74